A lot Of People Driving Crazy (Contains Update)

Saturday, April 27th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "A lot of people driving crazy."

When my wife awoke, I shared Somoya's message.  I stated we didn't need to be scared, but just more aware when running errands today.  Kels agreed.

4//28/19 Update:

I took my wife and son to see the Tulip Festival.  The traffic and people’s driving was crazy! There was a huge semi truck accident that shut down I-5 south when heading home.  It caught fire.  We had to find alternate routes to get home.  Our commute took twice as long.  Since we were all flexible, we made the most of the inconvenience.  We joked, laughed, and song to songs on the radio.


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