You're Like Adam and Eve

Friday, March 29th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "You're like Adam and Eve."  

While I was struggling with visualizing and hearing a message from Somoya during meditation, ice cold lemonade in a glass kept popping into my mind.  Somoya is so correct.  I am like "Adam and Eve."  I give up the "Garden of Eden", just to have a drink of something sugary!  The problem is every time I succumb to sugar, I put my health and wellness at risk.  It could someday lead to becoming diabetic.  Past and presently, it causes me spikes, leading to major mood swings.  In addition, my brain eventually feels foggy and my thoughts become slow.  Therefore the cycle continues, because I need more.  I have the knowledge and insight to know this isn't worth it, but sugar is like any drug, once it takes hold, the cravings are infinite!  I will continue to do my best to stick to water.  If I do, then there is a better chance of living longer.


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