This School Year Has Been Made Hard by Hardly Anything

Monday, March 11th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say, "This school year has been made hard by hardly anything."

This message from Somoya is referring to our son Mason.  He has learning challenges, but he is very bright, like most children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.  In spite of my wife Kelli and I advocating for him to be in as many general education classes, the system doesn't challenge him like the rest of the children.  It is fine that he is granted TAs to guide and assist in these classes.  Unfortunately, we have discovered this year that the TAs do more enabling than anything.  He is not given the same homework assignments in class.  Mason's homework load is pretty non-existent.   My wife Kels and I do our best to teach him additional academics in our home on our weeks.

Somoya's message is referring to the fact that Mason has made reading and a current science project very challenging.  It is not that he isn't capable.  The reading is improving, due to my wife Kelli's efforts and encouragement.  I am using money as an incentive, which is working well at the moment. When it comes to the science, Mason has shared that he is upset that he is not getting to do his original idea, which would of cost the family or himself a lot of money to make the idea manifest.

Mason struggles with being open and flexible to others suggestions, but he is slowly improving in our home.  He just needs a lot of encouragement and consistent and firm boundaries, which we have been offering him for years.  The year has had it's challenges, but he will end 6th grade having more skill-sets and feeling proud of his efforts.    


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