So Many Stupid Things People Waste Their Money On

Friday, March 22nd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "So many stupid things people waste their money on."

I couldn't agree more with Somoya on this one.  Growing up, my father modeled money management and the value of a dollar.  He often would state, "You work hard for your money.  Don't just give it all away!  Take the time to first research what you need or want to buy.  Don't go cheap or buy top of the line.  Middle price items tend to be best.  But definitely don't buy cheap.  You get what you pay for.  Also, live with in your means.  (For example, this means if you make 30,000 a year, try to live on 25,000 a year or less.  Put the rest in saving or invest.  Only spend a third of your income on rent.)  Don't buy things, unless you have the money.  Try to avoid multiple credit cards and credit balances or loans.  Do your best to pay off your credit card each month.  Pay off your loans and credit card debit, before trying to add to your minimal savings.  Keep a minimum of six months of income in your savings, in case you lose your job.  Don't buy a new car.  Cars are for getting from point A to point B.  You lose thousands the minute you drive the car off the lot.  Be patient.  Try to buy a house or at least a piece of land for future investment.  Wait for sales.  Use coupons as often as possible, especially for needs like weekly groceries.  Plan out your vacations.  Travel off season.  Try to eat as many meals at home."  These were the main messages that I still retain to this day.  I am grateful, and for the time my father took to share all of this. 

Today I was faced with having to get an oil change for our 2004 Subaru.  I dread having to address car maintenance.  It is NEVER straight forward and there is constant upselling and game playing no matter where one goes.  I have tried the national chains and I have a local trusted mechanic, but it is all the same.  You make a request for the basics to be done, they come back with concerns and make attempts to instill fear.  All in hopes to not just drain your oil pan, but your pocket book as well!

Thanks to Somoya's heads up, I was more on guard today than usual.  I was calm, but firm in dealing with the mechanics.  I was passed around to several, who all shared different fears and opinions.  First they tried upselling: regular oil vs. synthetic.  I said, "Regular."  Then I received the classic phone call a couple hours later.  The mechanic states in a concerned tone and makes the suggestion for recommending a product to help make the engine run smoother and longer.  Upselling again. This time for 100.00.  I was advised to do this with each future oil change.  Let get real people.  It is not like I drive a high performance sports car or luxury car!  I politely said, "No thank you." 

This is a good example of one of the stupid things people waste money on:  "extras" for cars when they go for oil changes or to the shop for repairs.  By me firmly sticking to my original request, I saved our family 130.00 in non-necessities.  That money can be saved and/or used for future fun family trips!


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