Slow is Good

Wednesday, March 13th

During meditation before work, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Slow is good."

I was thinking of a client I needed to intake while I was meditating.  She is a slow processor.  I am a slow processor too.  I know the world perceives being slow as "bad".    This has affected my self- esteem and self-worth the majority of my life.  In general, being slow doesn't create a lot of money for businesses/economy/one percent.  

Although, in reality, processing and working at a slow rate is actually very good.  One demonstrates being thoughtful, mindful, precise, and high quality goods are produced as a result.  It comes down to quality vs. quantity, but unfortunately the majority in our world prefer quantity and making lots of money.

Since early childhood, I have inherited the negative external stigma and have made it my internal stigma that being slow is bad.  I continued to learn to internalize these negative feelings about being cognitively slower than my peers in my secondary, high school, and college years.  

Moving forward, I am choosing to relinquish these bad feelings about myself.  There is nothing wrong with the way I think and process, just because it doesn't fulfill the "wants" of society and the world at large.  Somoya has granted me this insight for a reason.  She doesn't want me to buy into the lies of our world:  that slow is bad.  She wants me to accept myself and love myself, at the same time value same and different strengths in others.  I am grateful to finally find my worth in this fast pace society. I will hold my line and have a spine, by continuing to work slowly and methodically, while taking pride in my quality of work in the workplace.     


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