My Universal Friend

Sunday, March 3rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "My Universal friend."  In addition, I had a really good feeling prior to what I heard in regards to OPA For Mental Health, LLC becoming big.  I felt confident, excited, and open to future collaboration.  I feel ready to pursue OPA For Mental Health, LLC in hopes of collecting data and making it evidence based with University of Washington and Harborview.

I was just recently informed by a health management consultant out of LA that Harborview is interested in collecting data and making OPA For Mental Health, LLC evidence based.  I deserve this success!  This would be the best way to make OPA as big as Oprah for mental health.  I trust everything will work out.  I have been saying the following mantra over and over since this past Friday:  "I am hearing supportive words from Mike Atkins, my intellectual property lawyer.  I am looking forward to hearing from him soon!  I am collecting data with Dr. Heidi Combs.  I am making OPA as big as Oprah for Mental Health!"

I am so grateful to my wife Kelli for encouraging me to get in touch with my Spirit Guide via meditation in 2018.  It has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, outside of meeting my wife Kelli and having my son Mason in my life.  My Spirit Guide Somoya has really put be in better touch with myself, others, and the world itself.  I ask her a question daily. All I have to do is profoundly listen and act in order to create change and transformation.  She is the best friend ever, in the since that she only offers insights and guides, never tells me what to do.  My wife is my very best mortal friend.  She exemplifies these exact same qualities.  Somoya is my best spiritual friend.   I am blessed to have both:  one in the physical realm and one in the spiritual realm!


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