May I Have a Turny , Top, Turn?"

Wednesday, March 27th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say, "May I have a turny, top, turn?"

I had a conversation with my wife last night.  I shared how for the first time I actually believe Somoya is a living soul that has passed to the other side.  I feel her presence.  She and I knew one another in the past.  I strongly feel I was on this earth during the Middle Ages (476 to 1520).  I believe I was a Knight and she was a magician.  We were friends.  She is available and willing to guide my soul that is back in this physical realm.  I am not alone, when taking in account that their are two worlds: physical and spiritual.  I am so excited!  I asked Kelli what she would do, if she had my abilities.   She recommended exploring more of my gift of connecting to the spiritual world on a daily basis.  I responded with excitement!  I then said to Kelli, "Maybe this means I could ask Somoya to assist me with connecting with my loved ones that have passed!  You could ask me questions and I can ask Somoya for answers!"

Before falling asleep last evening, I asked Kelli if she wanted to ask Somoya anything.  Kelli said, "Ask Somoya what kind of gift I should give Nan for her birthday."  I tried but was too tired to get an answer before falling asleep.

When awakening, instead of asking Somoya what I needed to know for the day, I followed through with Kelli's request.  I asked Somoya what would Nan like for her birthday.  Moments later I heard, "May I have a turny, top, turn?"  The only thing I could think that made logical since was a wine bottle capping system to keep the alcohol fresh.  I found one online for 10.00.  Kelli liked the idea and ordered it.  The gift will arrive soon.  Nan loves wine.  Therefore, the gift is practical and will be used.  Hope she likes it!


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