Kate McNaulty Made That for Me (Contains Update)

Friday, March 8th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Kate McNaulty made that for me.”

I am aware that Kate, the Director of the three psych units, speaks highly of me and the cognitive behavioral method that I developed and own.  She has allowed me to run my support group five times a week on inpatient for the last several years.

The hospital is now moving towards all evidence based methods.  I believe because of Kate, the hospital is more interested in working with me.  It has been brought to my attention, via an LA consultant, that the hospital would like to begin collecting data on my method, in hopes to make it evidence based.  As a result, I have reached out to a psychiatrist on the units.  We are now taking steps to have a conversation and get permission from the director of psych.  I am very grateful for Kate’s friendship and support!

3/11/19 UPDATE:

I received an email from work inviting me to a meeting that is going to further discuss groups on the units.  It is nice to be included, since I provide the hospital with a successful group.  I am confident that Kate advocated for me to be on the committee.  The majority of the other individuals are managers and upper management.  I appreciate her having my back.


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