It Wouldn't be so Green, If it Didn't Smell so Gross

Saturday, March 23rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "It wouldn't be so green, if it didn't smell so gross."

I was having a difficult time receiving a message from Somoya.  I didn't want to wake my wife Kelli with my timer.  Instead, I went out to the living room to meditate.  I then struggled with meditating, due to the noise our two bunnies were generating by chewing on the wire cage.  They were starving for breakfast!  I kept telling myself to focus a few moments on my need, before meeting theirs.  Per history, once I get focused on others needs, my needs don't get met for the rest of the day.

It was challenging to focus between the bunnies rattling their cage (and mine!),  and the street noise outside our living room window.  After an unsuccessful 30 minutes, I took a different approach with meditation.  Since I wasn't getting a quick message from Somoya, I thought I would visualize an activity to do with her.  I saw in my mind's eye the two of us planting flowers outside of our gazebo, where we hang out, drink ice cold lemonade, and talk each day.  As I visualized us planting, I received Somoya's message:  "It wouldn't be so green, if it didn't smell so gross."

I had the knowledge that manure made plants and grass grow well, but wasn't aware of it enhancing the color.  The funny thing is, on my way home from work last Thursday, I smelled manure in the city near the sidewalk.  My first thought was the smell seemed out of place.  I have always associated the smell with the country, since that is where I grew up.  Next, I saw to my left fresh green grass seedlings growing in dark rich soil, which matched the smell I was smelling in the moment.  The grass was being replanted for the landscape of an apartment building.  Cool how a previous smell in the week connected to a message from Somoya.  Therefore, out of curiosity, I Googled cow manure and grass.  Sure enough, several articles stated that cow manure makes grass "healthy, lush, and green."  In fact, man made fertilizers due the same, but can easily burn the grass, if too much is used. The key with manure, is making sure it is completely dry before applying, otherwise it too can burn grass, due to the methane.

Other facts:  organic fertilizers DO NOT have long-term effects on soil, plants, and the environment. Therefore, I am happy to put up with the gross smell any day!  I am grateful that an apartment landlord made the conscious and wise choice to use cow manure to spruce up his lawn in the city.  I will take this same action, when obtaining some land and planting in the country.


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