He Will Go Fast!

Monday, March 18th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "He will go fast!"

Over the weekend, our son Mason purchased his first new/used mountain bike with money that he received from his grandpa last Christmas.  My dad gave him 500.00.  Instead of having "Santa" bring Mason a bike for Christmas this year, Kelli and I thought it would be good to use the money to instill some values:  delaying instant gratification by learning patience, saving money and earning interest, determining how much to spend without "breaking the savings bank", listing out needs vs. wants, and then having the fun of shopping, test riding, and making the final purchase!

When it came to needs, Mason definitely wanted a mountain bike, as many gears as his father, front and rear derailleur, and any color other than pink!  Setting a limit on the color of the bike cracked me up.  Why did he have the concern he would end up with a pink bike??  I asked, but he wouldn't share.

When we went to Recycle Cycles, the first bike we looked at was bright orange, but he rejected it, simply on color.  He refused to take it for a spin.  I was grateful, cause he would of had to consider spending a lot more of his savings.  Although, Mason is a smart kid.  He only brought 300.00 cash to the store.  Then he was presented with a gold mountain bike by the store clerk.  That grabbed his attention.  Mason took it for a test ride and road it with pride!  I hadn't seen him this happy in a long time.  He was grinning from ear to ear as he road "formula One" laps in the empty parking lot across from the store.  He ran through all the gears and tested both derailleurs.  When Mason came to a complete stop, he stated, "I want this one!"  I stated, "Are you sure?  300.00 is a lot.  We could check out other stores next weekend.  It has scratches and nicks."  Mason said, "I didn't even notice the scratches and nicks.  I don't care.  I love it!"

Somoya is correct.  Mason will go fast on his new ride!  It was the first time I have witnessed Mason jump up and down with excitement when he made his purchase at the counter.  It was an immense pleasure to watch, hopefully implanting a joyful memory for both of us forever.


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