Get Your Hands Off Me!

Monday, March 4th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Get your hands off me!"  I heard this after reading the great news from my intellectual copyright lawyer Mike Atkins.  I read his email the moment I woke up and before meditating.  He stated I could confidently move forward with collaborating with the University of Washington and Harborview in collecting data, in hopes of making OPA For Mental Health, LLC evidence based.  I am very excited!

Per history, when I have had moments of being confident and strong, people become very attracted to me at work.  Not in a sexual way, but more in an energetic way.  They want to be close or have a piece of my positive energy.  They start to find ways to be close, touch my shoulder or arm without permission, or become very chatting.  This annoys me like hell!  I am easily distracted.  I like to focus on my work and get it done when I am in the workplace.  

Hearing this message from Somoya reminds me that if touch from others annoys me and it is unwelcome, I then need to use my voice.  My gut tells me I have new momentum again regarding OPA, which will lead to more confidence and positive energy, naturally attracting others who want to be around and engage with my energy.  I feel better prepared and armed this time to make myself feel safe and comfortable around others.  Deep down I know they don't intend to cause me any harm.


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