All I Want to do is Make Money. I Feel Comfortable Making Money.

Thursday, February 28th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "All I want to do is make money.  I feel comfortable making money."

This was an unusual yet comforting message for me to hear.  All my life I have been playing martyr.  I learn to be a "victim/sufferer" by observing how my mom navigated through her lifetime on this earth.  It didn't serve her well.  Therefore, it hasn't served me well to be Marty the martyr.

I recognize now that I can continue to be of service to others, but be open to making more money in the process.  I am at a point in my life where I am excited to let go of my fears and control.  I want to collaborate with others, in hopes of making my intellectual property assist and offer support to as many people as possible.

When my development becomes evidence based, I will have countless opportunities to teach others and make money in the process.  It feels good to allow myself to make this manifest.  I am no longer going to "sell myself short", as my father often expressed to me in my youth and young adult life.


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