2025 Celebrate!

Tuesday, March 12th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "2025 celebrate!"

At first, I had no idea what this was referring to.  I made the quick assumption that it was pertaining to some sort of success with my business, and yet, who knows, possibly there maybe a connection.  Time will tell.  But when I started doing the math/counting the years, I excitedly discovered that the year 2025 is when Mason graduates from high school!  I consciously had never thought about this before, which made this message exciting and cool to experience! 

I will be thrilled for Mason when he graduates.  I know the challenges of going through school living with ADD.   So far, Mason is reporting that he is having a better experience and receiving more support with his academics; than when I was going through school in the 70's, 80's, and 90's.  Mason shares that he especially enjoys math and science.  I loathed all my subjects when attending school.  He has a mind for numbers and can critically think and problem solve.  In addition, our son has a gentle soul/kind heart.  Mason's teachers often share that he is very kind, supportive, and assists other children.  I am looking forward to seeing what career paths he will seek out in the years to come.  Possibly he will join the workforce in 2025, or he will continue onto higher education.  It will be fun to see the choices he makes for himself as a young adult.  

For Kelli and I, it will be enjoyable to be hands off.  We will allow Mason be the captain of his own ship.  Hopefully, Mason will reap most of the benefits of all our hard work in educating and guiding him throughout his youth.  We are doing our best to mold him into being a happy, secure, independent, book smart and street smart individual.  We want him to practice good common sense, always show his intelligence, and be a good steward for his community.   


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