
Thursday, March 21st

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "O.P"

I didn't have a clue what this meant.  Then I recalled having a brief conversation with a social worker yesterday.  She was complaining about how her 14 year old son spends too much time gaming with his friends after school.  We were both sharing how our children have their electronic obsessions.  We both worry about their young lives being consumed by these devices.  She seemed to be more hip with the gaming world, than myself, by the way she talked.  Mason likes gaming, but so far has no interest in Minecraft.  My co-worker shared that her son struggles with seeing his obsession with this game.  They design the game as a way to form and connect to your peer group.  When we were growing up, we played directly with our friends and outside!  Now a lot of kiddos are "playing" indirectly via electronics from any location at all hours of the day and night!  It is the modern way to "connect" with your friends, but limits need to be set, just like playtime of the past.

When I googled O.P, in Google, I received two different definitions:  O.P meant "Original Post", when you are in discussion forums online.  If you are gaming,  for example playing Minecraft, O.P means "Over Powered".

On the way to dropping off my wife and son to work, I shared my new "hip" knowledge that Somoya shared with me.  My wife busted out laughing by saying, "Your going to have to learn a lot more modern acronyms than that to be "hip"!  Mason and I both laughed.  Somoya's got me off to a good start.  I will try my best to keep up with the rest.  Mason will be a teenager soon, and no matter what, he will see me as a big buffoon...especially regarding electronics!


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