You’re Going to get a lot of Phone Calls Tonight (Contains Update)

Saturday, February 23rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “You’re going to get a lot of phone calls tonight.”

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I will be turning 47.  I believe instead of phone calls, like when I was much younger, I will be getting all texts instead.  Unfortunately, technology has changed how we reach out to one another.  I feel a text and a birthday emoji are lame.  No effort or time put into connecting, but in our current world, it now counts as remembering and caring.

The sad reality is if you’re not programmed into one’s phone calendar, you will fall off their radar.  The majority of us, including myself, have become so dependent on electronic devices to remember and keep track of everything for us.  I will be totally surprised if I actually receive one phone call wishing me happy birthday.

Update:  2/25/19:

As predicted, I received no phone calls on my birthday.  In fact, I received more birthday emails from  companies I do business with than texts from family and friends.  OK, now that is REALLY SAD!  This is a wake up call that I too need to do better at calling my family and friends on their birthdays.  I too have gotten lazy.

I have strayed away from having a meaningful phone conversation on a special day of celebration.  Part of my barrier is getting past my embarrassment of forgetting the actual day many of my loved one’s were born.

I am making my goal to “get over it” and ask others about their date of birth.  I plan to make calls in the future, rather than do texts and emojis to celebrate birthdays.  I don’t partake in Facebook, which is one less barrier to becoming more thoughtful and truly connected to my loved ones, in my opinion.


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