Why Do I Have to Share Myself with You?

Saturday, February 2nd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Why do I have to share myself with you?"  

Our son Mason's close friend Siun moved back to Korea this past Wednesday.  Mason has felt very sad since his departure.  He has been quiet, lethargic, and appears somewhat depressed.  Per history, our son struggles greatly with connecting to his inner most feelings and sharing them with his loved ones.  This results in our son acting out passive aggressively around getting his homework done.  In spite of giving our son a chance to process his feelings the night before, he still kept his feelings to himself and refused to share openly.  Then later that evening, while going through emails, we received a message from his teacher that Mason is being "resistant" to receiving support from a TA.

Since Somoya shared this insight with me this morning, I decided to have a family conversation around the dangers of our son not sharing his feelings.  My wife and I talked about the problems with keeping feelings stuffed inwardly.  That by not expressing our feelings, can lead to conflict with others and getting in trouble later on in life.  We touched on how being open to sharing feelings leads to receiving support and validation, which assists with the healing process.  

We decided to empower our son.  We have instructed him to have a conversation with his teacher this coming Monday.  Mason needs to do the following:  He needs to share his personal sadness, so the teachers are in the loop, explain why he has been resistant to assistance, take ownership for his actions by apologizing to the TA, and moving forward be open to assistance the first time it is offered.     


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