What Happens If You Don't Die?

Friday, February 15th

As I was getting ready to fall asleep this evening, I heard my Spirit Guide Somoya say, "What happens if you don't die?"

I have no idea why Somoya wanted me to hear this message.  My wife Kels, Mason, and I are planning to get together this coming Sunday for lunch with my dad.  He wants to take me out and celebrate my upcoming birthday.

My dad is going to be 90 years old this coming December 24th.  He definitely has seen a lot and been through a great deal. My logical guess is if we didn't die, what would instill the fear of growing and improving one's self.  None of us know if this is "the end", or if we are coming back over and over again.  Knowing that the body is finite, and not having met anyone that has come back from the dead, makes most of us want to enjoy the moments alive that much more.  We have the opportunity to appreciate life itself, when we know our time on this Earth is uncertain, before the Universe draws the curtain.


  1. Wow, I like your perspective on this. I had completely different ideas on it. I always enjoy reading your insights.


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