Thatch Roofs Keep Things Cool

Tuesday, February 12th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Thatch roofs keep things cool."

I am not sure why Somoya shared this random fact.  I made the assumption that the reason thatch roofs are used is only because they are the only materials available for that particular region in the world.  I learned by Googling, that thatch roofs contain a large amount of trapped air which is a bad conductor of heat.  Hence, heat from the outside doesn't flow into thatched roof houses.  Thus they remain cool in the summer.

Other benefits I learned about thatch roofs:  Being an insulator, it also keeps the house warm during the winter.  The dry vegetation is layered in a way as to shed water away from the inner roof.  The pitch of the roof has to be steep, in order to have the water run off quickly.  The bulk of the vegetation stays dry and is densely packed.  Another fact about thatch, is it is a very old roofing method.  Thatch has been used in both tropical and temperate climates.  Thatch is still used in by builders in developing countries.  Local vegetation is low cost.  In some developed countries, it is the choice of some wealthy people who prefer the look or would like a more ecological friendly roof.   Thatch is light and versatile.  As a result, less timber is required to support it.  Thatching is the most used roofing material in the world, because the materials are readily available.

I am grateful that Somoya taught me something new about the world that I wasn't aware of.


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