Mama Going to Miss You

Monday, February 11th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Mama going to miss you."

I have a strong feeling that this is referring to my wife Kels missing our bunny Mocha.  She often is worrying about his health and wellness.  She cares and takes care of him as if he was a human being.  She talks to him as if he is a small sweet boy.  It will really break her heart, when his time comes to move on from this Earth.

I struggle having such a deep relationship with our Mocha.  I grew up with many animals and suffered a lot of loss, either from them dying or my father getting rid of the animals.  I am scared to get as close as my wife has become to Mocha.  In the recent years, I have had a lot of human loss within my family, co-workers, and the people that I serve in my workplace.   He is a super sweet bun, super cute, which makes it difficult not to love him.  

I will work on offering additional love to Mocha.  I am there to support my wife when the time comes to deal with the loss.  I don't have a sense when this loss will happen.  I just appreciate Somoya giving me a heads up.  I can therefore work on changing my behavior, and be prepared to be empathetic around by wife's loss.

Thank you, Somoya.      


  1. This one made me cry. The lost of a pet is really hard.


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