Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh.

Friday, February

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Laugh.  Laugh.  Laugh.  Laugh."

I was thinking and ruminating on several upsetting thoughts that resulted from the special meeting at work the previous day.  I felt hurt by my manager's reactions.  I wasn't expecting her to be at the meeting.  She kept minimizing my feelings, and trying to cut me off, when I was making valid points about what is working and not working in our workplace.  This has been an ongoing problem for 10 years.  I continued to get bullied by her and she is threatened by my power and honesty.  What is even more hurtful, is she never tries to shut down or minimize my co-workers who are female.  She allows them to talk out of turn, interrupt, and dominate meetings.

The only reason I have not left my workplace, is recently I have been blessed with a new direct supervisor.  As a result, I rarely have to engage with her, otherwise I would move on.  I love my job.  I have a passion serving the mental health population and sharing my ideas and creativity in the workplace.  Hopefully my new supervisor can remain a supportive barrier from middle and upper management, otherwise I will soon be out of there.  Currently my direct supervisor has reduced a lot of my stress by being supportive, empathetic, and competent.  I am crossing my fingers for now...

If things don't work out , I have my resume current and references picked out.  One has to think ahead and be prepared for anything.  This isn't my style.  I prefer to be in the moment and keep giving people endless chances to change their behavior.  Unfortunately, I just keep getting bullied and hurt.  This is a pattern that has continued in the workplace after divorcing my ex-wife.   If this behavior continues in spite of my new supervisor's attempt to shield me, I am going to find the courage to move spite of fear.  I deserve to be respected and appreciated often in the workplace.

My new wife Kels never controls me or bullies.  She wants me free of this toxic environment.  I struggle with imagining that their are better and safer environments out there for me to work in.  Time will tell if my current workplace begins again to feel like hell.  For now, Somoya has given me a temporary fix.  Laugh.  Laugh.  Laugh.  Laugh.   I just need to spin it.  When people give me shit, don't be hurt, but be proud.  These unhappy souls are insecure and threatened by my strengths and accomplishments.   Find the humor in all negative and emotional feelings, triggered by negative people or events.

In addition, Somoya blessed me with the brilliant idea of suggesting that laughing groups be set up on all the units.  I Googled the benefits of humor.  I was surprised how many healthy benefits an individual receives from laughing.  There is scientific research to back it.   I plan to share this, if I am offered the opportunity to join the programing committee.

Thank you Somoya for today's insights!


  1. I do believe laughter is one of the best medicines out there. Its free, and available to any and everyone.


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