How Much Are You Going to Create, If You Are Only Going to Recreate?

Tuesday, January 29th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "How much are you going to create, if you are only going to recreate?"

I haven't been able to create new ideas/inventions, since I developed OPA For Mental Health, LLC.  I have been mastering and teaching OPA for 9 years out in the community and in the workplace.  While pursuing OPA further as a business, I feel it is time to allow myself to come up with new ideas/creations, but do this for the workplace.

My new manager is appreciative and encourages new ideas.  When I am allowed to problem solve, share new ideas and implement them in the workplace, this feeds one of my many passions.  My new supervisor is good about giving credit where credit is due.  He notes it in "the minutes" during our weekly meetings.

I really appreciate the concept of "giving credit where credit is due".  It is a lot of fun for me to tab into the Universe, and share ways to problem solve issues that come up in the workplace.  For me, this process is easy.  I love being heard, acknowledged, and appreciated for my contributions.  This fuels me to want to contribute and work more as a team.


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