God Senses What I Can Do

Sunday, February 3rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “God senses what I can do.”

When I was a child, my mom often said, “Don’t worry.  God only gives you what you can handle.” I believe this to be true, based on my own life experience thus far.  I feel what Somoya is sharing states something similar.  God knows my talents, abilities, and what I can offer to the world.  I, like most people, need to spend less time thinking and trying to figure out what I can do with my time on this earth.  I need to let go, step aside, and be open to God’s/Universal daily guidance by following my gut.  This requires me letting go of my anxious thoughts and personal agendas.

My mom also use to say, “Let go.  Let God.”  These phrases are now making more sense to me as I age.  The more I relax and let go of control, the easier life is becoming.  Whatever is going to happen...is going to happen, as my wife Kels often points out.  It is all about how you act and adapt with each situation that comes our way. God/Universe has blessed each of us with tools to manage.  Comes down to if each and every one of us is willing to use these tools.  We have all the resources at our disposal.


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