Give Him Room to Process

Saturday, February 9th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Give him room to process."

I am confident this refers to working with our son Mason.  He struggles with processing his feelings internally and moving forward from thoughts of hurt and sadness.  I also struggle in the same way.  Therefore, I need to be more understanding, empathetic, compassionate, and supportive of our son, rather than trying to force the conversation.  Obviously, dialog and healing needs to happen, but I could be more patient and implosive in how I address his emotional stressors.  The more I force, the more he clams up.  This is opposite of how I respond to support.  If someone shows concern and asks me questions, I open up like a broken dam.

Thank you Somoya for this insight about our son, and reminding me that we respond to support around emotional stressors differently.  He is his own person.  We are not the same.


  1. So true, in that we are all different and do process differently.


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