Birthday Weekend!

Friday, February 22nd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Birthday weekend!"

My birthday is this coming Sunday.  I am going to be turning 47.  I noticed this year I been focused on improving my health and wellness, pursuing professional goals, and improving family relationships, rather than looking forward to my birthday.

It is also a bit daunting that I am creeping up on 50!  My adult years seem like a blur.  I am overall happy with my life accomplishments, but want the opportunity to do much more.  I spent the first 17 years of my life getting my body fit, and that felt amazing!  Then when I had my mental break in college, thus far, I spent my adult life getting my mind healthy again.  I feel solid around my mental health, but my physical health (being toned and having a strong core) has fallen to the wayside.

I feel ready to address my physical health on a more consistent basis.  It deserves the same daily attention as my mental health.  It is essential in supporting my overall well-being.  I have proven that I can do the daily hard work of maintaining my mental health, therefore I can definitely bring back my physical health.

I do best with all or nothing.  I have always been this way.  I'm giving myself permission to find different ways to remain fit on a daily basis.  I don't just need to be doing one type of physical activity to be successful.  I need to treat physical health like I do mental health:  use as many "tools in my toolbox", but in this case, to stay fit on a daily basis.   Some days I can go to 24 Hour Fitness.  Weather permitting, I can ride outdoors alone or with our son. Weeks with Mason, I need to be more creative.  There are more family responsibilities when he is with us.  I can do my wife's Beach Body 10 minute video to do crunches.  I can climb stairs at work during lunch or go for longer walks before or after work.

I have decided to use the cognitive behavioral method that I developed for achieving a goal to assist me with getting my physical health back on track.  I am confident and excited to get results soon!  I need my mental health and physical health to support me well into the coming years.  This is a great birthday present to be giving myself:  maintaining physical strength on a consistent basis!  Thank you Somoya for getting me excited about growing older and looking forward to the years to come.


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