When You Think of this...You're Not Just One Person Producing This

Friday, January 11th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "When you think of this...you're not just one person producing this."

I feel that Somoya is informing me that I need to really work on being a team player, if I am going to team up with Eric to present and train others on OPA For Mental Health out in the community.  The past ten years I have created, trained, and run groups on my own.  In order to move forward and make OPA For Mental Health, LLC successful out in the community, I have to be willing to work with Eric as a close business partner.  I need to be willing to trust his word and his ideas.  I need to be open to his suggestions.  I need to be secure.  I need to allow Eric to share his excitement in this business venture.   This is going to be fun!


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