What's Keeping It From Being Alive?

Friday, January 4th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "What's keeping it from being alive?"

I feel this message from Somoya pertains to a new career opportunity.  I lack confidence and fear failure.  Per history, I haven't failed at trying new positions, in fact, I have thrived!  I would just get anxious, cause of fear...up until now!  Ray, a co-worker, pointed out yesterday that my life experience and work experience way outweigh others book learning and degrees.  He stated I need to go where I am appreciated.  Then Ray said, "If the path is easy and supportive...take it!  Don't sell yourself short on pay.  Ask for more!" 

Thank you Universe for sending me Ray to engage with.  I have seen him around over the years, but have never had a meaningful conversation with him.  He has always shot me a smile and said hello.  Thank you Somoya for questioning me and asking what is getting in the way of new employment.


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