Staircase to Heaven

Sunday, January 20th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Staircase to heaven."

This may be pertaining to the volunteer program that I participate in called NODA.  This volunteer program is designed to keep people from dying alone.  We as volunteers sign up to sit with people for one hour at a time as often as we can.  I haven't been available lately, due to not being in a good head space, due to work and personal reasons.  I want to partake, but I no it wouldn't be beneficial for the person I am sitting with.  I need to address my needs and take care of myself first, before being their for others.

This evening at 5:09pm, I received a text stating they need volunteers to sit with another person.  I hope to be able to be available as a volunteer soon.  I really enjoyed my first experience of sitting with a gentleman several months ago.  It puts life in perspective, and deepens my humaneness.


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