I Needed to do Self Care

Wednesday, January 9th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I needed to do self-care."

Our son Mason woke me up at 5am this morning.  His flu symptoms came back.  He had stomach cramps and threw up.  I cared for him and went back to bed.  This was very bad timing.  I just started to recover from three nights of insomnia.  Rather than assess him in the morning and consider having him go to school, I immediately made the decision to stay home with him.  I knew I would be emotionally vulnerable, have increased symptoms, and less productive at work.  In the past, I felt bad taking off mental health days, and use to try and muscle through it.  Now I see it is necessary and best to be honest with myself and others and do self-care.  Thank you Somoya for sending me a message that validated my decision making today.  As a result, I took it easy today as I cared for our son Mason.  I made the effort to workout this evening in hopes of getting my sleep back on track.


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