Go Over Resume with Fine Tooth Comb

Tuesday, January 1st

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Go over resume with fine tooth comb."

I had waited several months for a co-worker to update my resume.  She finally sent me the first draft in December.  I didn't feel like doing the hard work of reviewing her draft.  I wanted to trust her work was good enough and just add references.  I wanted to be done with it and start applying for jobs.

I was planning to apply for jobs today, first of the New Year.  Thank you Somoya for encouraging me to look over the first draft.  I ended up spending the entire afternoon making corrections and adding some information.  I also had the opportunity to speak with my friend Patty via text.  She too offered support around fine tuning my resume, along with my wife's assistance.  I am now really happy with my resume.   I can now apply for jobs with confidence.


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