You Will Just Have to Wait

Tuesday, December 25th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "You will just have to wait."

I have been working on feeling comfortable with boundaries with my son Mason, over the past several years, with the assistance and guidance of my wife Kels.  I have been scared of not being loved by him, if I was to set firm and consistent boundaries.  I have been frightened of being on the receiving end of his passive aggressive behavior, if I do lay down the law.  Energetically, I can feel him pressuring me to get up and engage the last few days.  I need self-care and time for myself and with my wife.  I need balance.

When it was time for dinner this evening, I asked him to take a seat at the kitchen table.  He initially did, but then proceeded to stand up and head up stairs.  He stated, "I need to charge my phone first."  I went to the restroom to center myself.  When Mason came back to the table, I calmly and firmly shared my needs and feelings.  I stated that as his parent, he needs to listen to me the FIRST time.  That I am not his friend, but his parent.  I can be playful at times, but my role overall is to teach and guide, not worry about being liked.  I stated he no longer runs the show.  Those days are over.  What I say and Kels says goes.  This pertains to everything when he is with us, including going to bed on time!  Mason quietly listened.  We ate dinner together.  He took the initiative to be ready and in bed a few minutes before his bedtime.


  1. So proud of you. I know it's not easy and we can see just how hard it is all around us as we see more parents being friends than parents.


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