You Can Be An Observer

Sunday, December 16th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say,"You can be an observer."

I feel Somoya is saying I can still have fun with some of the activities at Lake Chelan, even if I can't partake in all of them.  My friend Raul had shared that our family could sled, snow shoe, and/or cross country ski, if their is snow.  All of this sounds exciting, but I would enjoy sledding the most with our son!  But, if I am honest with myself, sledding would put me at most risk of further injuring both my frozen shoulders.  This would be a huge set back, with all the recent PT work I have had.  Therefore, I have been feeling sad about missing the potential opportunity to sled with Mason.

I need to be OK with just observing Mason and Kelli sledding together.  I need to take in their happiness in the moment and be thankful that we are a family.  I need to be thankful to see the both of them having fun together and enjoying one another!  I can be happy with taking part in two of the three activities, if we choose or get the opportunity do to snow accumulation.

Thank you Somoya.  I was dwelling and feeling sad about my limitations, due to my chronic shoulder pain.  I will be GRATEFUL for the activities I CAN DO, and thoroughly enjoy taking in moments of my wife and our son having fun together!


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