You Are Doing Well With My Prism

Sunday, December 23rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya, what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "You are doing well with my prism."

I then looked up the definition of prism in Google.   Learners defined prism as follows:  ...often used figuratively to describe a way of looking at or thinking about something that causes you to see or understand it in a different way. 

 I feel this is Somoya communicating that I am doing a good job thus far with interpreting her daily messages.  I am being observant, introspective, and thoughtful in how I apply her messages to my daily living and overall transformation of my human spirit.


  1. This process has been so enjoyable to watch but at the same time I am trying to learn as much as I can from you Anna Somoya. Thank you for sharing with me and all those out there that are reading.


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