What Would You Do With 1,000 Dollars? What Would You Do With 19,000 Dollars? Write Down Your Passions

Sunday, December 30th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "What would you do with 1,000 dollars?  What would you do with 19,000 dollars?  Write down your passions."

Lately when I have been hearing numbers from Somoya, they eventually come to fruition.  Yesterday she shared that I am a magnetic for wealth.  She mentioned the spiritual number 651.  I just need to allow to happen and give some of it to the less fortunate/those in need.  Not to spend recklessly and thoughtlessly, when I acquire wealth.

After speaking with my father on Christmas Eve, I had a random conversation about homes and owning property.  He was reminiscing about his old property and home for the family when we all lived in Issaquah during the 70's, 80's, and early 90's.  My father mentioned that one has to own property first outright, before they can build on the property.  I was surprised, and didn't know this.  I therefore would use the 20,000 to purchase land for our future tiny house.

As far as my passions go, here are the following that do and could acquire more wealth:

1) Working in Social Services.  This job pays the bills, puts money in my retirement, offers insurance,      and provides money for our emergency fund
2) Doing OPA Presentations and Trainings with Eric moving forward out in our community
3) Offering paid Reiki treatments/partnering with Melinda.  She keeps putting it out there, but still hasn't manifested, due to others managing her website.  She wants me to offer long distance healing.  I have many years of practice and I am confident in my abilities/skill set
4) Offering paid psychic readings.  I need more practice with my wife in order to build up my confidence
5) Blogging my daily meditations and communications from Somoya.  This will just require a lot of discipline, patience, and persistence.  Takes time to attract followers, like any other business 


  1. I cant wait to see the update for this one. So many great possibilities!💕


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