What Affects My GI? (Received an insight soon after)

Monday, December 3rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say,"What affects my GI?"  

Last Friday, my PT stated I should speak to my Primary Care Physician about my GI problems.  He didn't state what could be causing it, but that it was important to mention to my PCP.  I then became curious about its causes.  I don't want to be put on any medications, if I can help it.

This morning as I was waiting for my bus for work I received an insight about the GI and made a note on my phone.   I was wondering why I didn't have any issues this morning.  

I wrote the following:

I realize how powerful the subconscious can be.   Last several weeks I have been less organized with my work and personal life.  My papers have been piling up, causing disorganization and therefore more anxiety.  I also noticed I hold my breath when I am thinking, typing, writing, and talking.  But last night I completely organized my work and personal life. It took me over an hour to do so.  I immediately felt emotionally better and more relaxed last night as a result. 

My main overall insight is I need to bring myself back to breath from morning to night, and stay on top of my daily structure, both personal and at work.


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