We Have Enough Money

Saturday, December 8th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “We have enough money.”

I was immediately put at ease, after receiving this message from Somoya.  I had been feeling pretty anxious with all my recent expenses:  PT visits out of pocket, root canal, crown, new glasses, and paying back the IRS, due to our tax accountant making a mistake last year.  Plus, I have more doctor visits coming up in January.

I am very grateful my father taught me the value and discipline to save money, no matter what the income.  In addition, my wife Kelli said something brilliant.  She said, “Your emergency savings is like the stock market.  It will go up and down over time, based on your needs.  Avoid attaching your feelings to how much or how little you have.  Just keep putting away as much as you can each pay check, after you pay your bills.”  She is so right.  I need to detach my feelings from savings and focus on paying myself forward as often as I can, no matter what the amount is.  Thanks to Somoya and Kelli, I now have a new perspective on my savings.  I feel safe and secure.


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