See Mason. This Is One Big Giant Gift!

Friday, December 14th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "See Mason.  This is one big giant gift!"

This past week, Mason has made a couple remarks about whether or not Kelli and I are buying him Christmas presents.  Kelli and I have had conversations with him separately and as a family regarding this topic.  Kelli and I feel Mason is receiving enough, just by getting the opportunity to go to Lake Chelan and Leavenworth.  We have explained that we are spending $500.00 to create a special experience, and this is a wonderful present in it's self.  He doesn't have to have more.

Mason needs to learn to be grateful and aware of what it costs to make a vacation manifest.  He has been struggling with accepting that trips are a form of a gift.  Like most children, he just wants lots of wrapped presents.  We get and accept that our capitalistic society has set us up to deal with this challenge.  We reminded our son that he received $500.00 from his grandpa recently.  One more thing to be seen as a gift, even if he can't literally unwrap it.  We have decided to put Mason in charge of how to manage this money, in order to learn how to budget and the real value of a dollar.   We also brought to his attention that friends of ours will be giving him wrapped gifts.  Finally, Mason will have Christmas at his mom's and in Colorado with his grandparents and uncle, following our trip.  That is over the top, in mine and Kelli's opinion.  

Again, my family and I are very grateful for the opportunity to go to Lake Chelan for 7 days over the Christmas holiday.  We are all looking forward to this trip.  It is a BIG gift for all of us to be able to stay in a beautiful home on the lake for free!  Their is a good chance for snow, which means possibly sledding and cross-country skiing.  If no snow, we can always go on beautiful local hikes.  Mason loves going into town daily and buying popcorn.  He then feeds the ducks in the afternoon.  Kelli and I love eating at one cafe that offers vegan meals.  Their is also a movie theatre and bowling in case we get "cabin fever".  Plus we plan to make a day of it by driving and doing activities in Leavenworth.  Mason LOVES window shopping and figuring out what little fun items are worth purchasing for himself.  He could literally do this activity ALL day.  I have been blessed with the patience for hanging with Mason when he shops.  I do get pleasure out of seeing him peruse. It is fun to see him problem solve how he is going to get his wants met, using his OWN money.

Therefore, thanks to Somoya's supportive message, Kelli and I will not succumb to Mason's wants for additional gifts.  He has more than plenty, and all of his needs are met.  


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