Oh man. 651.
Saturday, December 29th
During morning meditation I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, "Oh man. 651."
It sounded like my voice. I didn't sound excited, if anything, disappointed. I then looked up the spiritual meaning of the numbers 651 in Google. It overall stated that the numbers were related to material wealth. That I am wealthy, and need to share with those less fortunate or in need.
Personally, my whole adult life, I have never viewed myself as materialistically wealthy. I have either worked in customer service or in social services as a profession. But, If I was to compare myself to many individuals in other parts of our country or the rest of the world, I am rich. In addition, I have always struggled with giving to others monetarily. Although, I am very comfortable with giving of my time.
I grew up observing my mom and dad giving money away in different ways. My mom gave to anyone, after her needs were met. The only time I witnessed my father give financially was at weekly mass, but I never knew how much. I was NEVER asked or encouraged to give of my own money that I earned from summer projects or part-time jobs. My mom always let me off the hook by giving me a dollar or two, to put in the basket that was passed down the church pew. Therefore, I learned nothing about the value of personal financial sacrifice or paying it forward to others in greater need.
Earlier this month, I received an insight on a meditation walk. It was to give Mother Earth a monetary present, rather than exchanging gifts with my wife. Since Mother Earth constantly gives to all of us and asks for nothing in return. I knew immediately that I would choose to give to Greenpeace. I had had a synchronistic moment about Greenpeace in prior months. I had been researching bees one morning, then later that day came across a Greenpeace volunteer walking our neighborhood. She requested a PayPal donation. I politely refused out of fear that she was possibly not legit. Later, my wife reassured me that Greenpeace is one of the top ten non-profits to offer monetary donations.
Today my wife took the lead, and stated she was making a 35.00 monthly donation to Greenpeace. At first I was shocked with her generosity and simultaneously internally upset with myself. (First, I stalled. I wasn't willing to give on Christmas Day, due to my credit card cycle. Second, I picked a stingy amount. After days of contemplation, I had finally made myself comfortable with giving one lump sum of 120.00.) With feeling upset with myself, this forced me to strike up a conversation with my wife. I wanted to understand how she came up with her amount. I wanted to understand how she could be so generous. Kelli then offered several valid points: She wanted to make an impact, even if it isn't huge. My wife wanted to financially feel the hit, without breaking her bank. By giving monthly, it created a commitment, rather than one lump sum. The money could be used more thoughtfully by the non-profit organization, if received monthly. I profoundly listened and took it all in. I shared my childhood modeling and struggles. Kelli listened and validated. I then came to the conclusion to match her donation, in order to make our family donation that more impactful.
Later that evening, we watched a documentary on photographers filming nature. It made both of us happy that we are now making a real difference, when concern is mentioned about the well-being of the animals on our planet.
I feel GREAT that I finally am learning to financially give to those in need. I can now model this for our son Mason. In the past, he has asked me to donate for causes at Safeway, but I have always politely refused or made excuses. Kelli and I are going to encourage Mason to donate monthly to a non-profit of his choice.
During morning meditation I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, "Oh man. 651."
It sounded like my voice. I didn't sound excited, if anything, disappointed. I then looked up the spiritual meaning of the numbers 651 in Google. It overall stated that the numbers were related to material wealth. That I am wealthy, and need to share with those less fortunate or in need.
Personally, my whole adult life, I have never viewed myself as materialistically wealthy. I have either worked in customer service or in social services as a profession. But, If I was to compare myself to many individuals in other parts of our country or the rest of the world, I am rich. In addition, I have always struggled with giving to others monetarily. Although, I am very comfortable with giving of my time.
I grew up observing my mom and dad giving money away in different ways. My mom gave to anyone, after her needs were met. The only time I witnessed my father give financially was at weekly mass, but I never knew how much. I was NEVER asked or encouraged to give of my own money that I earned from summer projects or part-time jobs. My mom always let me off the hook by giving me a dollar or two, to put in the basket that was passed down the church pew. Therefore, I learned nothing about the value of personal financial sacrifice or paying it forward to others in greater need.
Earlier this month, I received an insight on a meditation walk. It was to give Mother Earth a monetary present, rather than exchanging gifts with my wife. Since Mother Earth constantly gives to all of us and asks for nothing in return. I knew immediately that I would choose to give to Greenpeace. I had had a synchronistic moment about Greenpeace in prior months. I had been researching bees one morning, then later that day came across a Greenpeace volunteer walking our neighborhood. She requested a PayPal donation. I politely refused out of fear that she was possibly not legit. Later, my wife reassured me that Greenpeace is one of the top ten non-profits to offer monetary donations.
Today my wife took the lead, and stated she was making a 35.00 monthly donation to Greenpeace. At first I was shocked with her generosity and simultaneously internally upset with myself. (First, I stalled. I wasn't willing to give on Christmas Day, due to my credit card cycle. Second, I picked a stingy amount. After days of contemplation, I had finally made myself comfortable with giving one lump sum of 120.00.) With feeling upset with myself, this forced me to strike up a conversation with my wife. I wanted to understand how she came up with her amount. I wanted to understand how she could be so generous. Kelli then offered several valid points: She wanted to make an impact, even if it isn't huge. My wife wanted to financially feel the hit, without breaking her bank. By giving monthly, it created a commitment, rather than one lump sum. The money could be used more thoughtfully by the non-profit organization, if received monthly. I profoundly listened and took it all in. I shared my childhood modeling and struggles. Kelli listened and validated. I then came to the conclusion to match her donation, in order to make our family donation that more impactful.
Later that evening, we watched a documentary on photographers filming nature. It made both of us happy that we are now making a real difference, when concern is mentioned about the well-being of the animals on our planet.
I feel GREAT that I finally am learning to financially give to those in need. I can now model this for our son Mason. In the past, he has asked me to donate for causes at Safeway, but I have always politely refused or made excuses. Kelli and I are going to encourage Mason to donate monthly to a non-profit of his choice.
I am so thankful to you and Somoya for suggesting to give back. I wish there was more I could do.🌳🌏❤️