
Saturday, December 15th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then suddenly heard an internal voice (the voice of my deceased mother) say, "Marty!"

My mom died at age 84, on December 8th, 2016.  I was very close to her as a child, but grew apart as an adult, especially in the last few years of her life.  We didn't communicate for the last several years of her life, based on my decision.

I remember receiving a call from my father the night before she died.  My father stated that my mom knew she was dying.  He said to go see her or call her ASAP.  I called her group home the next day from work.  I asked to speak with my mom.  When she answered, she stated, "I am dying.  I am dying."  I said, "I know mom.  It is OK to let go.  I love you very much.  Thank you for being my mom all these years.  I am sorry for not speaking with you the last few years.  I was angry and needed to learn to become more independent from you."  My mom said, "I am sorry too.  I love you."  I said, "Thank you.  The wonderful news is you won't be in anymore physical pain.  You will be reunited with all of your loved ones.  I am leaving work now.  I will be up there to see you soon."  My mom said nothing, and hung up the phone.  By the time I arrived, she had passed.

I am grateful to Somoya for giving me the opportunity to hear my mom's voice.  As a result, I have a better understanding that our loved one's are still in our lives.  Even though they are not in the physical world, they can communicate from the spiritual world, if we believe and remain open.


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