I Know You're Frustrated With Me Around The Business

Monday, November 26th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say,"I know you're frustrated with me around the business."

I have been trying for several years to grow my consulting business, while working my primary job.  My consulting business has been practically non-existent, due to too much fear and overthinking on my part.  My wife has had to put in countless hours listening to me talk business, yet has seen me take very little action.  She believes in me and my product, but recognizes I struggle daily believing in my own abilities and being comfortable at taking risks.

Some recent good news, I have finally decided to take a risk.  I am partnering up with a friend, in hopes to make the consulting business grow in 2019.   We have been taking time weekly to meet.  We are planning out our future presentations and trainings for agencies, hospitals, and the general community.  I am feeling much more hopeful about the consulting business.  I am relieved to have a business partner, who is also a good friend of ten years.


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