I Got An Opportunity Today (Contains an Update)

Wednesday, December 5th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard a voice say, "I got an opportunity today!"  I told myself I will be hypervigilant about my day to day moments.  I will wait and see what happens with anticipation throughout the day!


My opportunity is a surprise, but did not excite me at first.  It involves going to the dentist and spending several hundred out of pocket between now and January, 2019.  Due to tooth pain off and on since July, I finally bit the bullet, and called the dentist to see if I could get my root canal started.  I lucked out!  I didn't realize I had left over dental insurance (over $600.00) to cover most of the root canal procedure.  Plus, I was very fortunate to be able to get an appointment on my day off in December.  My dental insurance does not roll over each year, it is "lose it or use it", as they say.  Thank you Somoya for granting me this opportunity to care for my needs.  I have scheduled an appointment to get my crown in the  New Year.  I am very grateful that we have the savings to take care of needs, such as dental care.  


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