I Don't Like to be Treated Like That

Friday, December 21st

I didn't have time in the morning to meditate, so I meditated before bed.  During meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I don't like to be treated like that."

My wife and I just recently were treated with such disrespect by our former tax accountant.  He made a mistake claiming our son for the 2017 tax year.  Both he and his wife lied about getting in touch with us and rectifying the problem immediately.  We were lead to believe that action would be taken in a face to face conversation and via emails, yet nothing materialized.  My wife even made several stops to their office over a two week period.  Neither the husband or wife showed up to their office to offer us the paperwork to amend the tax return.

Due to our winter vacation coming up and my ex-wife receiving the IRS notice, Kelli and I were left with hiring a new accountant to rectify the problem.  This cost us additional fees, on top of penalties.

Since I don't like to be treated like this, the best thing would of been to disengage immediately with the person causing the disrespect.   This would of avoided at least additional emotional stress.  As I have learned from my wife Kelli over the years, disengaging with bad energy/behavior of another, gives your own power and happiness back.

Since childhood, I have had the old pattern and belief that I need to stick it out and be a martyr, just like my mom.  The hope is the person will change their behavior, if one remains nice and flexible enough.  This old pattern NEVER served my mom well, and certainly hasn't served me well all these years. I am now confident and strong.  I am fortunate to have choices.  It is my job and responsibility to exercise my choices, when being treated poorly.  If others can't meet me half way with respect, best to move on from the situation in the moment, or in some circumstances like this one, move on from the relationship all together.


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