I Am Going to Spin Class

Wednesday, December 12th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I am going to spin class."  

The past couple of weekends I have been really wanting to go, but other plans and obligations came up.  I chose them over self-care.  I plan to workout at the gym at least twice over my three day weekend.  

I am grateful that Somoya is keeping my needs in the forefront of my mind.  I tend to sacrifice and make everyone else's needs and wants come first.  This can lead to resentment at times, if I am not doing any self-care.  

I really love the spin classes, because they feed one of my passions-exercise via the bike.  I use to be a competitive cyclist when I was in high school.  This activity helped manage my day to day academic stress.  In addition, it gave me an escape from my family drama, which helped keep me sane.     


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