Heal Thy Self
Saturday, December 22
During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya, what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, "Heal thy self."
First thing when I awoke this morning, even before meditation, I looked up the Catholic Community Services website. I saw opportunities I qualify for. I am still harboring anger and resentment towards the Catholic Church, due to an incident that happened to me in my twenties. I now realize I am powerful and I can do anything I want. But, I need to let go and forgive myself and the church. I have the power to heal myself emotionally and physically. I deserve this and I am choosing this path. I am tired of suffering. I found a beautiful saying on their website. I find it healing and will keep me centered and compassionate.
During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya, what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, "Heal thy self."
First thing when I awoke this morning, even before meditation, I looked up the Catholic Community Services website. I saw opportunities I qualify for. I am still harboring anger and resentment towards the Catholic Church, due to an incident that happened to me in my twenties. I now realize I am powerful and I can do anything I want. But, I need to let go and forgive myself and the church. I have the power to heal myself emotionally and physically. I deserve this and I am choosing this path. I am tired of suffering. I found a beautiful saying on their website. I find it healing and will keep me centered and compassionate.
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