Gluco Man (Contains an Update)

Sunday, November 25th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard and internal voice say,"Gluco Man."  I felt a little concerned.  Earlier this month, at my last visit with the eye doctor, he asked if I was pre-diabetic. I stated that my primary care doctor didn't bring up the concern, since he runs blood work annually.  The ophthalmologist stated he saw some scaring in the back of my eyes.  I am going to be 47 this coming February.  Therefore, the doctor stated he wants to see me yearly for an exam.

I then Googled WebMD and glucose out of curiosity.  I didn't know anything about glucose or how it works.  The past three years, I switched over to a plant based diet, in hopes of lengthening the life of my kidneys.  Unfortunately, I always crave and mostly consume fruit and potatoes, which I just learned are high in glucose.  The the high glucose can overall damage organs, such as kidneys and eyes, along with other organs.  Therefore, I am going to check-in with my provider this week and get his feedback.  I want to see if he recalls running blood work that would screen for pre-diabetes.

I am grateful that Somoya brought this back to my attention.  I need to own it and address it ASAP.  I have always struggled since I was a child with consuming too much sugar or salt, in hopes to calm my stressors/anxiety.  I need to learn to use more exercise, deep and slow breathing, and daily meditation to reduce my stress, rather than consuming deadly amounts of sugar and salt.  In the moment, the consumption of sugar and salt doesn't seem like a big deal.  This has always been my rationale.

Currently, I literally don't feel any short term physical affects, except for swelling in the feet and sometimes feeling hot.  It is the long term affects that will sneak up on me, but then it will be too late.  The affects of too much sugar or salt is as bad as any other addiction.  I need to address it and get help around this from my PCP and/or nutritionist.  I am extremely happy with being vegan/eating plant based, but I need to strike a balance between fruits and vegetables, and lay off the sugars overall on a daily basis.    


On 12/5/18, I took the initiative and reached out to my Primary Care Physician via MyChart.  I stated my eye doctor's concerns.  He stated my glucose levels were normal, but he would run another test to check for pre-diabetes.  This appointment is on Jan 11th, 2019.  I feel a lot better that I will soon have more facts regarding my ophthalmologist's concern.  This will either put my mind at ease, or I will take action to seriously reduce my daily sugar intake.  I have already stopped juicing, just to be safe.


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