First and Second Class Rivalry

Monday, December 10th

During morning mediation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "First and second class rivalry."

My wife Kelli is a teacher assistant for second grade.  Last Saturday, Kelli and I went to the private grade school fundraiser.  Over two dozen expensive trips and meals were being auctioned off.  Both of us were hesitant to go for two reasons:  First, we knew the family's were mostly wealthy, and we are not.  Second, the expectation was to dress very fancy for the event.  As a result, Kelli and I were assigned to a table of teachers and their significant others.  There were other "second class tables" around us.  We were all located in the back of the large convention.  The "first class tables" were assigned to the parents, which were located in the front of the convention.  The logistics of the tables, and who was assigned to the tables, was by no accident.  It was apparent that this evening was an opportunity to strut, show off, and flaunt ones' wealth during the auction.  We as "second class" citizens had the opportunity to witness ludicrous amounts of money being donated throughout the evening.  One person actually spent $9,000.00 on one dinner package!  The fundraiser was open bar.  Their was a strong correlation between the more the wealthy drank, the more freely they spent.  My wise wife brought this observation to my attention.

This event was good for me to witness.  I often fantasize what it would be like to have a lot more money.  But, as my brilliant wife says, life ALWAYS presents "which would you rather" moments.  We can't have it all.  I personally feel I have all my basic needs met, even though I am "second class".  I love that I have time for my family and friends.  I love that my employment feeds my passion.  The money pays the needed bills, and I have some left over each month for savings.

I and others may be excluded from "first class" activities in general or kept out of "first class" conversations, but I personally am secure and don't care.  When one recognizes their daily basic needs are met, the wants of what others have quickly dissipates and disappears, which leads to true happiness!


  1. Well written and thanks for sharing. It is often times good to surround yourself with people and situations outside your beliefs, comforts , and socioeconomic class as the potential for growth and thankfulness lies there. I love being in this journey with you.


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