Everybody Likes Doing Things Their Own Way

Thursday, December 13th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Everybody likes doing things their own way."

I feel Somoya is reminding me not to force, just be implosive when teaching skills and offering support around mental health and addiction recovery.  In addition, not to take it personally, if people don't want to manage stress the way I do it and/or want my support.  Earlier in the week, I had a clt kindly state that he isn't open to my cognitive method for managing stress or daily structure, but is open to a different method.  Unfortunately, in the moment, I took it personally and felt hurt.  I made it about me, and not about his recovery.

In my profession, my personal daily goal is to empower individuals and make them independent.  I need to remain positive and happy for individuals.  It shouldn't matter what method/s they choose to assist themselves with their recovery.  Individual recovery is not about me, it is about each person's journey and what they choose to do with it.  I am their to offer support and guide, if so desired by the person being offered services.  I need to remain focused on meeting them where they are at, rather than trying to get them where I am at.  If I am successful with accepting these concepts, I will genuinely exude compassion for all those that I serve in our community.

Thank you Somoya for bringing me back to center.


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