Don't You Care About These Glasses(This Post Contains an Update)

Sunday, December 2nd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say,"Don't you care about these glasses?"  I had a visual of knocking my glasses off my nightstand and onto the floor.  

My new glasses haven't fit well on my face the moment I bought them from Costco.  They slip down my nose and have even fallen off my face once.  They slip too easily, if I tilt my head too far forward.  

When I bought the glasses at Costco, the saleslady made the excuse that the temple design is why she can't make adjustments.  I need to advocate for myself, and push Costco on making sure my frames fit me properly and comfortably.  (The irony is I have no problem advocating for others in my profession.)  I need to go back to Costco by myself, so I don't feel pressured for time.  I need to make sure not to leave Costco till the glasses fit right, or I need to pick out another frame of equal value that will fit properly.  How my new glasses currently fit is not acceptable.  It could lead to my glasses easily getting broken.  I need to calmly and firmly assert myself.  Per history, this is not my strength when trying to get my needs met in the retail world.  I need to remind myself that I am the customer, and "the customer is always right", as they say in the business world.  It is important for me to not be bullied and not to back down, cause others don't want to do the work or offer me quality service.  If I present myself in a way that I command respect, I will receive respect.

Update:  12/16/18

I finally made myself go to Costco. I addressed my glasses not fitting properly.  I was assisted by a kind and easy going middle aged gentleman, but unfortunately he was new to his profession.  He made things worse, by damaging one of my temples.  I didn’t react by getting upset, but continued to state the glasses didn’t fit properly.  Finally, his manager stepped in and offered assistance.  She modeled what adjustments needed to be made.  Now my glasses fit securely on my face.

I am proud of myself for getting my needs met.  My goal in the future is to not walk away until my needs are satisfied the first time.  I am paying good money.  I deserve good customer service.


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