Be Flexible

Monday, December 17th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya, what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Be flexible."

I am feeling there maybe pressure to take on another client.  My concern is I am only here this week. I will then be taking 12 days off for Mason's winter break and to enjoy the holidays.

Mondays are the mornings that myself and peers gather to discuss client load, who can take on more referrals, who needs assistance, and/or who needs use of the state car.  I was flexible, by staying calm and letting my co-workers know my limitations, due to vacation coming up soon.  Per history, if I feel overwhelmed, I become anxious, get a tone, and behave rigid.  It has always been my defense mechanism to get people to let up on the pressure and back off.  Unfortunately it can scare people and make them want to avoid me.  This does not make for a good team player.

I am learning from Somoya that if I stay calm/relaxed and use my words thoughtfully and honestly, I can get my needs met, and usually people will ease up.  They were supportive and understood my decision not to take on another client.  Due to my success today, my co-workers and I enjoyed engaging with one another.


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