25 Years Younger...The Problem is You Have Everything
Saturday, December 1st
During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say,"25 years younger...The problem is you have everything."
This statement rings so true for myself. In my twenties, I was surrounded by loved ones and the majority of my needs were met. I am also the youngest of seven children. One can deduce I was very spoiled. My only worries were what school to attend, what type of career I wanted to pursue, and who I wanted to date. As the years have past by, my struggles have derived from living with ADD, general anxiety disorder, PTSD, and bi-polar. Now I am almost 47 years old and have learned many coping skills to manage my challenges. I feel like I am starting over all over again, when it comes to learning independence, building confidence, and pursuing my future dreams. As they say...better late than never.
During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say,"25 years younger...The problem is you have everything."
This statement rings so true for myself. In my twenties, I was surrounded by loved ones and the majority of my needs were met. I am also the youngest of seven children. One can deduce I was very spoiled. My only worries were what school to attend, what type of career I wanted to pursue, and who I wanted to date. As the years have past by, my struggles have derived from living with ADD, general anxiety disorder, PTSD, and bi-polar. Now I am almost 47 years old and have learned many coping skills to manage my challenges. I feel like I am starting over all over again, when it comes to learning independence, building confidence, and pursuing my future dreams. As they say...better late than never.
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