What Do I Need to Do to Rise Above Others? OPA

Monday, October 15th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard, "What do I need to do to rise above others?  OPA."

I feel Somoya's message is two folded:  Dealing with those around me and my future career.  They go hand and hand.

I developed OPA For Mental Health, LLC back in 2009.  It is a form of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).  The primary purpose of the four-step process is to assist an individual with switching from the emotional state to the logical state of thinking, when feeling overwhelmed with a stressor, multiple stressors, daily structure, and/or achieving a goal.  In addition, OPA For Mental Health diplomatically getting ones needs met successfully with providers, professional staff, or anyone who can actively listen, be supportive, and be willing to collaborate.

When dealing with personalities at work and in the community,  OPA For Mental Health, keeps me self-regulated, empowered, independent, and gives me the ability to take positive action daily.

I examined my feelings further around Somoya's message.  I recognize I continue to hold myself back from making my consulting and training business grow.  I don't face my fears head on or take enough risks on a regular basis.  Too much over thinking, just leads to poor outcomes.  If I face my fears head on and are open to risk of failures, OPA For Mental Health, LLC will help me rise above others in the  social service business community.


  1. There is no failure only opportunities to grow, which I know you are open to and good at. Jump in fear free and see what the universe has in store!😁

    1. Thank you for your insightful and supportive words. I will move forward by taking more risks. I will do my best to avoid being scared, but rather excited about the possible outcomes ahead!


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